Under her skin. The X MARKs the spot where the beast operating system was injected. They love the apollo ' 18' code, forwards & backwards. Both with hands on hips, mirror image. Care to guess which number these two are converging on for this SB 18 tackle? Also in the mix is 48 (hidden) for the Raiders. Hoax =48. The 21/12/2023 fake assassination was going to be a hoax. There he is and there is '48'. Clock stops at 119. What a coincidence. They pick the winners & losers At first I thought they had planned a ritual for the eve Alfred E. smith dinner this year, after looking at the heavy coding. Then I looked at the moons over his last 3 appearances, I realized the dinner was the ritual. Who knows what these satanists are drinking and eating there, and doing after the cameras go off. Notice ho...
When the Towers Went Up
Agenda 21 and life as an EMF sensitive person.. Contact-pisanoinsurance@yahoo.com In memory of my mother who died of brain cancer in 1999