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Whistling Past the Graveyard

Most every day,   I see people with symptoms of radiation poisoning and there isn't much I can do about it. Most just blow me off as crazy. I can no longer post Amazon reviews or even ask questions, as they blocked me because I tend to tell the truth. Can't have that.🙄
 If  possible, I  would tell this person what I see here in this review of his daughter's new toys.

He used his own blood to test out the new device they bought to photograph through the microscope's lens. What you see above is a clumping of his blood cells.  This is called  Rouleax Formation. This is what the blood cells of cancer patients looks like. It  is also a sign of radiation poisoning. If you use wireless devices, are exposed to dirty electricity or if you're constantly exposed to EMF radiation (passively), this is what your blood cells are also doing.

  Below is an example of what normal blood cells look like under a microscope.

The contrast is obvious. 
Cell phone radiation makes your teeth fall out and you age twice as fast. For more symptoms or side effects go to  this article.  This is deadly serious. It's a cascading effect when your blood is disabled in this sort of way.


*Ms Havas promotes the 'safe' use of cell phone technology. In its present form there is no safe use. That is where her and I part ways. . So, don't trust any source completely.. That doesn't mean we can't gather information from those who don't share the same goals.
Anything short of powering down the cell towers and other radiation emitting devices is negotiating with the devil.  




  1. Yep. So many illnesses and doctors need to know. I believe they are best tantalized with photos. Send doctors photos of normal and then coagulated blood cells, etc etc. Then place a simple, easy to read letter on effects of wireless exposure. Then, mass mail. I believe many sights will let you copy and print their info. Go to and Dr Devra Davis' web sight to print and copy. We need to raise awareness. This is now a carcinogen category rated as asbestos and smoking. Another possible idea us Facebook. I don't have facewaste, but maybe get a Go Fund Me page to raise money to get these out. America will never be at the forefront...too much money and too many lobbyists in DC to do anything. I hope you in your country can help aid in The Truth of this Greatest Crime Against Humanity. Much love...citizen of US, State of WA, home of the devil's companies, free heroin, Amazon and Microsoft.

    1. Thank you for the thoughtful comment. Please feel free to spam/ share this message where ever you can. I'm not on facebook either. I kept it simple in the hope a seed will grow into a tree...


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