Jews May Lie to Non-Jews - Baba Kamma 113a. Jews may use lies ("subterfuges") to circumvent a Gentile. I don't get the attraction to this guy. He hasn't told people anything they did not already know.Nor do I get how people can't see through this. 🤔 This demonic intro (to his newest video) isn't satanic and an homage to cern? 🤔🙄 He claims to be a borderline luddite who can't put together a mailing list and yet someone is being paid to put together this satanic branding. Do you think these videos are just thrown together? They are very well edited and the imagery is original as well as demonic. There is very likely subliminal messaging going on as well. A high degree of it IMO. He's a doom porn artist. You're defeated... he tells you. Gematria doesn't lie. The 'news' does. ...
Agenda 21 and life as an EMF sensitive person.. In memory of my mother who died of brain cancer in 1999
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