What they don't want you to know is there is an internet beyond the internet.
Communism is the official economy of satanism. The Chinese were said to be the great counterfeiters of the period leading up to this one, where we're all being herded into communism. There is a more infamous counterfeiter-Lucifer. He is what is behind all of this desire to be omnipresent & omnipotent; but it appears the masses want to pretend he doesn't exist & isn't behind all of this. In that way, they get to keep playing with their smart devices (the vices?).
The technology is manifold. It is not solely focused on providing lucifer with the ability to be in all places at all times. There are other aspects of it, including sickness and death.. Another aspect blocks the internet beyond the internet-the connection with the creator. That is what is not being spoken of in this article. The more they can block the connection to the creator, the faster they can spiral things towards their ultimate goal-hell on earth & mass harvesting of souls. Smart phone users (wireless users), whether they want to admit it or not, have been duped into being complicit with lucifer's plan and even funding it.
The masses have been duped into carrying around the mark of the beast, holding it in their hands & up against their heads, microwaving their brains- the most sophisticated computers ever known. The Luciferians are just a few steps away from implanting it in you & your children. Every day people choose to allow their lives to be basked in lucifer's radiation is another day they choose to forfeit the connection with the creator- the internet beyond the internet.
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