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The Triangle

Guess my point with all of this is children of abuse are never surprised when the world is capable of genocide. And the horrifying part is, there is much worse child abuse now. The apathy about all of this comes from the mind control cell towers.   Maybe I'm the one who is wrong and I should also be more callous..?


It was just average..

The food was as I remember it about as pictured here.  Isn't that the most horrifying thing in the 2000's for something to be just average in memory and average in reality?  I mean it's not "awesome".  The era where everyone 'awesomed' themselves into an injection..  That could be the title of a book.. . a book by an accountant, but  nonetheless a book.



The people who ran it were very nice to me. I would say my portions were not what the other people got in there as far as quality. But there would be the place I'd be prone to exaggerate, so I'm not sure.  I guess all food is good to an unwanted dog. I can tell you I saw in their eyes they knew my mother and sisters couldn't care  less about me. I saw adults who had compassion finally.  I suppose it was because it was so close to 'home'.  

Though my father could not love me more. I still lost him for the most necessary 10 years was the final result that could not be undone.  It was no surprise when I left her to go live with my father, he told me she rejected me at birth. I said I kind of expected that and got on with my day. 

Not very many animals in the wild reject their young at birth and I am no better.  It is however illegal in the US to be the kind of father that is necessary to your children.  

Religion is confirmed as a weapon in one picture.

 Being able to tell grown adult children cell phones are forbidden would be an insane thing to suggest. Yet the Amish do such things all the time and are not suffering the way the rest of mankind is. I could make some adjustments to that sum total however.

This is a cell tower hidden at a church in CO. Lucifer runs this church and his minion is bucking for a promotion. I have no idea to what however.  


The world is extremely more dangerous


This is a scene right out of Dante's Inferno and most people can't see it.


I can't even believe this is the last place my son and I were bonded.  It seems like forever ago.  These are weapons. A man has no right to force his will on his children in the US.  Sometimes you have to save yourself to save others.. What could I have done differently?  I suspected these were weapons and I wasn't going to pretend they weren't. 

He and his mom, her family of course all use this stuff.  I would have never fit it in in so many ways.  Wonderful people. I just hope they're all alright and worry a lot about that. I have regrets as to how  behaved. No one listens.  Very good family. My son is so fortunate to have them. The string of bad mothers is ended as quickly as it began.  

I didn't understand my son's mother until I learned of her birth sign years later. I feel I could have at least thanked her once and a while for being such a great mom. A better diplomat was needed all the way around I'd say.  Bull in china shop on isle 3.. 🤔🙄😃😄😅

Sorry this is my first zombie apocalypse.  I'll try to be more well adjusted next time...

My father and his mother. I can picture my son and his mother being this close because they are. I will never have a picture like this in this lifetime. Not even a photo of my mom holding me as a child.


The Amish  don't use tech to block the tech that I'm aware of an cell towers are near them. All I can say about that. The situation isn't good. They think they are outside of the purvey of satan's mind control tech and they're not.  Really painful to see such good people get harmed. We've all lost everything if everyone does not stand up for themselves. 

Must be amazing to have been raised in a whole family in the 60's. I will always be so jealous of those people. There is a lot of damage in the world that remains unseen. Creeped out by the US at this point. Would love to leave. S.O.S.


Just sorting thoughts. No one has read it this far. 


There are so many moving parts in spiritual warfare by design. It wears you out, you look for reinforcements, I suppose.

They didn't live  on the property as far as I remember. You can't, it will burn your out. What you see in that environment, even in a small town in the 60's is pretty exhausting. I would guess a big city person would beg to differ and say it's normal to live near 2 gas stations a flop house motel/ diner a body shop and a lumber yard.  Yikes. That's more painful when I type it. 

Only fitting such a terrible childhood should be bulldozed. I know of others that were worse of course.  I suppose we find each other. 


The place where our apartment was torn down for a dollar store, it turns out.  I realize there were worse childhoods., but this was in the 60's. It was just confirmation of how much sickness there alread was in the world, at least for me. So now the world is no surprise. I guess. I'll update this. This whole block gets razed? The're hiding the scene of the crime? 🤔🙄😃😄

It was a trial by fire. 3 were scorpios and you don't want be the 'target' of one who wants to destroy you. I had 3 and my mom was I don't know what. I don't much study mothers who hate their suns. Although I did investigate her death. 



I guess I choose to promote the good.  They take your treasure if you let them. They hurt him as much as me. That was his thanks for going to war, coming home alive with all his wonderfulness.  

  I would have gone 4F myself. Trump went that way  during the Vietnam War,  5 times using various routes. There is no way I'd have willingly gone to war.. I do not know how they did it. My mother and sisters would never tell my father's story. After he was gone it was if he wasn't to them.. That's it?  That's all you get? 

In the next installment I'll show what she did with the home my father left her. As a preview. My mother had red hair and green eyes Frankly, she often scared me if I'm being completely frank. What did my father breed with? 

I suppose I loved my mother as much a half lizard, rejected male offspring could?  Funny how my mess hall was the triangle? 

I haven't proof read this picture. 🤔🙄 They tell me I need to be better well adjusted.. to genocide.  You cannot make this stuff up.  Wait, let me get my beach chair and check out the parade of people who glow in the dark .. So romantic. 

My sister and GS were talking one day. I noticed Gloria was taking notes. 🤔🙄😞


Destroy the Family.. Those 4 women betrayed my dad as much as they betrayed me.  I was like, hey pop I know I'm a bum seeing what they did to you.  He often bristled at that and inside I think he agreed.  

 My mother and sisters were pioneers in the embracing of Agenda 21 doctrines and principals. Essentially, I was raised by practising satanists. 


The women in my family were useful to the satanists.

Divide the family, use the child as a weapon and encourage your daughters to be of the extreme feminist mind set possible. Carol Ann was a good soldier for my mother. 

Regular abuse was on the menu until my mother started to realize I was noticing that was not normal. I was the also the only one she left nothing to. Not even a blanket she knitted.  This was even after I told her I knew all along about being rejected. 




Seems like a well oiled machine to me. Divide & Conquer -The battle of the genders, all by design..  They were under mind control from the TV.

to be cont.


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