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Zero Hedge - A Herding of Truthers

 Not too long ago someone piped up in the comment section of zero hedge and said the joke was on us and that zh was a limited hangout. I had mentioned something similar after I joined the site years ago and I had mentioned it again after I was allowed back on after being banned at some point. I called it an internet herding.

 I didn't think it was worth telling that person I had also implied the same things like it was some kind of 'moon landing'.  I suspect, at least internally, many conspiracy theory minded persons have questioned the site and it's relative lack of censorship that we have sadly come to know in western nations.

01 + 09 + 20 + 09 = 39

Like the announcement of the smart phone, zh began on a 19 coded date.  I've referenced the 19  being a hades / hell code on my bitchute channel.
  • 19 Hijackers
  • 19th Amendment (stay in denial 'ladies'. You were very useful to them.)
  • Covid 19 

  • Smart Phone announced on 1/9



  •   And on & on ..

  • Then we have Jimmy Carter's .. uh.. JFK's PT 109 hoax..
 I think the point has been  adequately made.🙄
 Daniel Ivandjiiski

I was not aware one can simply move to the U.S. from Bulgaria. The american college is nothing more than a high School diploma certificate. 

I have to wonder how many Bulgarian Immigrants with only a high school diploma start out in investment banking as their first job in the U.S. . (I have no idea how to remove the double spacing on blogspot.)

Banned by FINRA for 780 dollars of insider trading profit?

As you can see, this story is extremely sketchy. 

They've captured the FDA, CDC, FCC BUT NOT FINRA?

Here is the FINRA ruling published on 9/11..  🙄

The other chap was banned for insider trading that resulted in a 66,000 dollar profit.  Book of revelation code.. Plus his 780 (zeros don't count until they do) When we add the 7 + 8 we get 15 which is also another 6 when reduced.

Everything is a 'coincidence'.

Of course this is all a freemason herding under the guise of Russian Infiltration..  I have a history of exposing what I call the double cross club. 

I've done numerous videos on  The
Cult of the Sun 

Narrative being framed by an "independent blogger". 🙄

What Zero Hedge became, in essence, was a forum for the hateful, conspiracy-driven voices of the angry white men of the alt-right. Racists, anti-Semites, extreme right-wingers, and conspiracy nuts were an underserved audience, and, as it turns out, a profitable one. Steve Bannon, the former White House adviser who recently described himself as a “huge fan” of Zero Hedge, has largely built his career around the similar recognition that these overlooked masses represented an untapped well of anger that could be shaped into a powerful political force.

 I often refer to the 'society of jesus' as jews in suits.  

Cult of the sun with a 91 coded date of founding

27 + 09 + 15 + 40 = 91

If it can be coded, it will be

They also use the comment score to try to fraudulently influence people's opinions like some sort of popularity contest.. It's all manipulated numbers just like subscriber counts on youtube, bitchute, you name it. The entire web is coded for the 333 as you have it at the top of your page. The WWW is the 333 turned up. 

 Of course if you search bitchute for 333, you won't find my video. I tried removing the single quote marks.  Here is the link. 

 Nothing to see here, just a world wide web they have spun is all..  Just like the marriage game, the only way to win it is to not play. I play enough to expose it for what it is - lame. 

This blog post was banned from linkedin. Please share it where you can.  I'm banned from twitter & don't use farcebook.

They do everything ritually,  The first ZH post was made on a date w/ a 96% moone 


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